The Voice of Your Customers

Keep your profitable customers
Analyze customer conversations

The mind of the customer is always the best place to start. Are your customers talking about pricing, product/service performance, product delivery, or subcontractor performance? Improved customer retention means higher profitability, so let’s find out.

Ford Motor estimates that a 1% increase in customer retention yields $100 million in additional profit. Let’s find out how your company can keep its good customers.

The rest of the picture is to improve the linkage between your two most important assets, customers and employees. What should your company be doing to make your employees more effective in the eyes of your customers?

Speaking your customers’ language has multiple advantages on many levels. Domestically as well as internationally, language is often linked with cultural influences.

Timely information regarding what your customers are talking about gives you a clearer idea of where and when to invest your resources. Contact us to work out the all-important details.


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